Yonit Blumenthal: Treading the delicate line between supporting and enabling 0 (0)

Yonit Blumenthal

We are extremely pleased that Yonit Blumenthal has agreed to talk to us on the subject of “TREADING THE DELICATE LINE BETWEEN SUPPORTING AND ENABLING”. Yonit is a counsellor and co-founder of the Journey Rehabilitation & Wellness Centre in South Africa. Yonit boasts years of experience in addiction counselling, as well as trauma counselling. She…….

Matt Thomas, Recovery Coach: Insights from a Journey of Healing 0 (0)

Matt Thomas

NAVIGATING THE TRIPLE WHAMMY: Mental Health: Neuro-diversity: Addiction Insights from a Journey of Healing Matt is in recovery from OCD, ADHD and addiction.  After a successful 20 year music industry career Matt has become a leading figure in mental health and addiction recovery treatment and advocacy.  He was Co-Founder and Director of iCAAD, one of the word’s…….

“Self Harm – A self-help guide” 0 (0)

Self Harm – A self-help guide

Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust with Dr Lesley Maunder and Lorna Cameron (“Self Harm – A self-help guide”). The Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation guide was reused by different county NHS trusts, with minor adjustments made to include local signposting for the county or small additions to the text: https://research.reading.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2017/04/Northumberland-Self-Harm-Self-Help.pdf