Once you’ve felt grief, the fear of grief coming again is terrifying

So in order to go through the life of my son, and maybe why it is all as it is, I must start with his sister. She was killed on a summers evening before he was born and that is why he was born

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Dear Clinical Psychologist

Since I have written so many emails to professionals trying to find help for our son, I thought it might be useful to hear most of the story from an email I sent last August 2022. Dear Clinical Psychologist, A friend has forwarded me your details and I wonder if.......

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When you read this, you might be a bit like me over a year ago

I had tried everything to help my beautiful daughter feel happy with herself and with life in general, but nothing had worked. I felt like every day was a matter of survival.

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One of the hardest things about dealing with an addict is lying and manipulation.

This is the story of our son’s journey (I’ll call him Ian) from an outgoing very lively child to three stays in clinics. Ian was diagnosed with ADHD at age 7 but it was clear from early on that he was an unusually active boy. He struggled at school until.......

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People saw a busy kid who wasn’t afraid to speak his mind and not the sweet, sensitive and insecure boy he is …

Our son is the oldest and has two siblings a younger brother and a younger sister. He has “the biggest heart” of our three children at home but is often misunderstood. Since his young age, he could not sit still and therefore received many comments everywhere he went. Because he.......

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Up until our son’s 16th birthday at the beginning of 2019, I would have said we were a loving, healthy and active family, living life to the full.

Up until our son’s 16th birthday at the beginning of 2019, I would have said we were a loving, healthy and active family, living life to the full. What we did not realise was that due to pressures from society and following on from his two very-high achieving and commercially.......

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Our son started using a substance called “lean” at age 13 …

Our son is one of 3 children, with twin sisters 5 years older than him. I have been a stay-at-home Dad for more than 20 years. I, like other parents at home, have been integrally involved in many aspects of my children’s lives; and especially focused on my son during.......

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It seems hard to know where to start …

It seems hard to know where to start, to really know how and where this all began. Stating the facts of it all seems to only really scratch the surface of so many feelings, beliefs , experiences and thoughts that all contributed to our son going to a clinic at.......

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My 17 year old son

My son, who is now 17, had what appeared to be a charmed life until he entered his early teens. He was bright, happy and popular, and utterly joyful. I had concerns about his drinking because his father was an addict, and I noticed that my son seemed over enthusiastic.......

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May 2024 Newsletter

I read this story on an Instagram account called Grown & Flown, and it presented to me as a story of deep patience and hope - reminding us that in time, our children most often will find their way.

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April 2024 Newsletter

I bet most of us have asked ourselves this question, possibly countless times. Or variations of it. When will this get better?

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March 2024 Newsletter

Last Sunday I went to have breakfast with a friend.

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February 2024 Newsletter

This article by journalist Kat Brown gives some searing insight into what it feels like to have navigated childhood, adolescence and early adulthood with undiagnosed ADHD.

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January 2024 Newsletter

WELCOME everyone to the new year. I wonder how everyone is approaching this beginning to 2024?

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December 2024 Newsletter

If there is a message our family would like to send to all of you & yours this Christmas it is exactly this - that we are all without doubt stronger together.

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November 2023 Newsletter

"When I die, I don't want 'Friends' to be the first thing that's mentioned, I want helping people to be the first thing that's mentioned, and I'm gonna live the rest of my life proving that."

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October 2023 Newsletter

The theme for October will be, in light of Mark's talk, "How we find ways to anchor ourselves in time of difficulty."

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September 2023 Newsletter

In our weekly meetings this past month, we have shared feelings, situations, responses and asked questions - most of the questions boil down to the ultimate question of How do I/we as parents know what to do?

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August 2023 Newsletter

This is a conversation that has come up a lot recently, meeting people and being away on holiday.

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July 2023 Newsletter

As we were reminded, the biggest challenge can be the time after our children leave inpatient care but this also applies to families who have children trying to recover through other routes too.

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June 2023 Newsletter

Key points for parents on ADHD from Fintan 0'Regan. Many of us listened to Fintan O'Regan's highly informative talk last month, packed full of information and understanding about ADHD.

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May 2023 Newsletter

Intuition v Institution - a parent's response. Last month we heard from recovery coach Dave Noble on this subject.

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April 2023 Newsletter

Can't Not Won't - tips and insights from Kate Olphert: This is the title of a book recently published about a child who couldn't go to school.

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March 2023 Newsletter

This was the theme of Rudi Voet's talk to us in February and it spoke to so many of us as we respond to the situations we find ourselves in.

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February 2023, Newsletter

There has been a lot of discussion over the past few meetings about how we look after ourselves, how we actually CARE for ourselves.


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